NASA, HoneyBeeNet, and Bee Informed Measuring Change, Saving Bees

Beekeepers can participate in collecting data to measure climate change using hive scales

Author: Jennifer Berry, The University of Georiga, Honey Bee Program

Orignially Published in Bee Culture Feburary 2013

Last year, 2012, weather had a considerable impact on certain portions of the US, which seems to be the trend lately. For instance, it was either too wet, too dry, too hot, too cold, (too windy even), and when you mix too hot, dry and windy, disastrous events can occur. …

Broodmapper: Honey Bee Development and Citizen Science

Help identify brood stages and hone your skills in inspecting honey bee colonies.

Figure 1: A honey bee emerging from a capped cell. Above, left of the emerging bee is a capped cell with a developing pupa unseen, underneath the cap. Above, far right of the emerging bee is a cell with a honey bee egg.

Figure 2: A screenshot from with scored cells.

Honey bee development

Honey bees develop from eggs to adults in the cells of honey …

Honey Bee Winter Loss Survey

Honey Bee Colony Losses in the USA. The Bee Informed Partnership.


The Bee Informed Partnership conducts an annual Winter Loss Survey for beekeepers on, or near, April 1st. To participate in the survey, sign up to be notified by email here.

This data has been collected since the Apiary Inspectors of America winter loss survey of 2006-2007. See documents below for previous year’s results.

Losses 2006-2007, published in the American Bee Journal
Losses 2007-2008, published in PlosOne