What is the difference between a normal reaction to a honey bee sting and an allergic abnormal reaction?

A normal reaction to a sting is localized, with swelling, redness and pain occurring near the sting site. Some people swell more than others. A sting on the wrist may cause the arm to swell up to the elbow. Some people show a delayed reaction, with symptoms appearing one to several hours later.
An abnormal or systemic reaction involves generalized symptoms that occur away from the sting site, such as hives, profuse sweating, shortness of breath and tightness of the …

What is a toxic reaction to bee stings?

A toxic reaction can occur after numerous stings. The venom acts as a poison. The lethal limit for the number of stings a person can sustain varies with weight and health. An adult person of average weight and “good health” may be able to sustain 1,000 stings, while a child, weighing much less or an individual in “poor health” may only be able to sustain 200 to 300 stings.
– John Skinner, University of Tennessee…